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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  April 19, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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international attack. confirming two brothers originally said to be from chechnya are accused of the bombings of the boston marathon that took place on monday. you're looking at them there. one of the brothers is dead. his brother, he is on the run subject to a massive manhunt as we speak. mit police officer was killed. the shooting what began what turned into a very violent night. much of boston is locked down as they search for an alleged terrorist. the 19 year-old dzhokhar tzarnaev. what they are describing as a control the evacuation. dagen: you talk about developments. you can see it. taxi service has been restored.
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this is according to the boston police department. there is some movement returning to the city that has been at a virtual standstill all morning which releases last night. and we will bring you updates as we get them. again. all over this story. right now we want to bring in peter brook's two works for the cia as a former deputy assistant secretary of defense. how critical is it that the 90 year-old brother of tamerlan tsarnaev be caught alive? >> well, is important. there is still some months that we don't know about this. is there a firm international connection? with a self radicalized? what motivated them? are there more potential terrorist attacks in the future? other part of the sleeper so? is the picture gets more clear new information makes a blurry, and there is just so much that we need to know. getting a hold of him and the
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freaking get informational tell us a lot. dagen: of course we mentioned the city has been on virtual lock down the public transition down. all of your major ones. so closed for today. amtrak service was closed down. people told by the governor of the state to stay indoors. boston and the surrounding areas. how critical is that? how critical is it that for these authorities to be a will to do their job? >> well, first of all, is public safety, of course. there are armed law enforcement officers, federal, state, local, out there trying to get this guy. another suspect is armed. may even have a suicide vest on. they have additional explosives. unfortunately, civilians will just get in the wake. that would be a terrible -- terrible tragedy if someone comes out of the door a think it is in the vicinity of where the suspect is and someone gets
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shot. very important that people stay and of the late, let law-enforcement do their job. get this person, apprehend them and start to figure out what else we need to worry about and then, obviously, go back to figure out what we missed, we should have known, what the connections are inside or outside of the country. dagen: can you give us any prospective? these two brothers had been in the u.s. for at least ten years coming year originally from chechnya to my coming here with roughly 2002-2003 based on reports. and then executing allegedly this bombing at the boston marathon. can you compare this to anything of this country has ever seen or face before? >> and try to think about that. i still don't know what they're issue is, what their motivation was conducted at the marathon, directed the city of boston? is a part of international g. hunt? is it part of a terrorist
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network? i worry about the possibility of a connection back to chechnya. as you know, in chechnya is a terribly terror afflicted part of the world, especially into russia. it wants to be separate from russia starting after the fall of the soviet union. there have been a number of huge tear plots and attacks against russia out of chechnya. 2000 and two, the moscow theatre , you know, more than 100 people killed. the school in 2004. almost 400 people killed when they held 1,000 students and teachers hostage. and then, of course, 2010 there was an attack by a female suicide bombers in the moscow subway killing nearly 40, and there have been others as well, less notorious than that. so i am very sorry. there is a belief that there are ties between chechnya and rebel groups. and so i cannot say that there
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is a definite connection, when you say chechnya, that is the first a comes to mind for me. dagen: and a fox these producer, really could be allowed to point out, reporting that it appears that after the first gunshot blast last night, fire near mit, that he went to a bank of america and took money out of an atm and water john square, the bank of america. learning that it was about 18 after 11:00 p.m. last night. that the suspects are still at large. they did this. and it is there any way to know what the force is being brought to bear from the state police, the boston police, and other authorities, are they able? if you take money out it would suggest that you are on the run. with all the forces being brought to bear, can we believe that he is at least till in the area? >> certainly a possibility. they started to flee last night,
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came back. wherever there were riding out. saw on television, saw that law enforcement and put the pictures on television. they had been identified and probably decided it was time to move. obviously you're going to need money. they supposedly had carjacked a vehicle. so they appeared to go, we don't know where, but they appear to want to get out of the area once there were identified. once again, that is breaking news and is not quite clear exactly what motivated them to move at that point. dagen: thank you so much for being here this morning. connell: as we wait for a briefing to get underway in boston from local authorities last taken on the financial markets. loren and vertical of the new york stock exchange. >> reporter: it has been a tough day. we have mixed markets with the down under pressure because of ibm, quite frankly, as well as adults. a few of those components disappointing earnings, contributing about 130-points. so without them it would be
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positive. as to the nasdaq, about 01% gain. obviously beaten up the most precise likable and microsoft. up arrows today on the heels of better than expected earnings. the s&p 500 desire by half of 1%. but for the week the snb is looking at its largest weekly decline in about ten months. gold is holding above $1,400 right now. and, you know, this market is just reacting to everything that has gone across the country, particularly in boston. back to you. dagen: thank you so much. transportation in and around the boston area still at a virtual standstill. the hunt is still on. the remaining to marathon bombing suspect. we are and washington with the very latest. again, another alert. amtrak service out of boston are between boston and providence is still shut down. connell: that's right. the service specifically is what you're talking about. and amtrak is also going to have
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its regional train from maine that normally goes to boston. has -- the traffic has been suspended north of boston. it is not going into boston. the massachusetts bay -ransportation authority close the subway system in the boston area. earlier this morning. did city suspended taxi service but just restored in the last half-hour. bus service in the city remained suspended as well. we talked about the amtrak service. the faa, the federal aviation administration issued a temporary file restriction over a section of the boston area to provide a safer environment for law enforcement activities. logan airport remains open under heightened security. most flights departing and arriving on schedule. greyhound bus service has been suspended. dagen: thank you so much. it is not just boston. this will be felt in the northeast. thank you so much. connell: a briefing any moment from local authorities.
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you will see it live. you will keep you up-to-date as we have been on what is happening in the markets throughout the day. mike baker joins us on the telephone right now. former cia covert operations officer and president these days of his own intelligence firm that he is a part of. one suspected terrorists has been killed. another is still at large just outside of the big american city. what stands out to you? >> well, i mean, so much for disgruntled tax filers irresponsible for your will attack. you know, this opens a single to all sorts of investigations. right now obviously there is a major effort not just ride on the ground in the immediate boston regional area, but now you are looking at the jets' new head, you're looking at the extent to which this was deployed from the outside.
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and to the extent to which there are supports or a support structure internally your that allow for this attack to take place. connell: two brothers are less to be a part of this, one that was killed and the other that is said to be 19 years old and still at large. you mentioned their background, the fact that there are originally from chechnya. they came here, we think, in 2002 and three, some are in an area. is it possible that they just acted alone? working together as brothers? is it more likely from your experience of the years that they did have some support from the outside, or read my be. >> you know, is suspect gillette to let this point, but if i had to put my chest down on a table i was a it was a wider effort. it is not the tendency that we have seen out of terrorism based in chechnya. i will be surprised if this is
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just confined to these two individuals. connell: you mentioned terrorism based and the chechnya which people and other parts of the world but not quite familiar with. we are not here in terms of attacks on our country. what about that, what about the background and the issues over there that is important? >> well, you know, the soviet agenda, the same types of motivations applied at applied with radicals and muslim terrorists. as a we're talking about. no one is more familiar than the russians. the russians over the years have been very brew in trying to deal with this internal problem that they have got. but they are or at least they tend to be very aggressive, very brutal in their planning and tax and it is it real concern because it does draw them out.
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you know, this idea -- i think there was some thought that, well, you have an element out there in the country after this attack. you know, if it is domestic, lone wolf, kind of in a box, contained, not as bad, not something that we have to necessarily be overly fearful about even notice horrible. this broadens it back out. external terrorism. again, assuming that these two were acting in support of an agenda that would be shared by other chechnya's. dagen: years of experience in the cia fighting just this type of terrorism. in those days it was overseas, and now it is found its way to our country. the second time in 12 years, but in a different way this time and we continue to watch it unfold. thank you for checking in. you will check back. >> thank you. dagen: waiting for an update from the boston police department. also, massachusetts state police on the status of the man and for, again, dzhokhar tsarnaev. his brother, tamerlan tsarnaev, killed in the early hours this
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morning. suspects in the marathon bombing. there they are, at large. we will be right back. all stations come over to mission a for a final go.
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♪ dagen: the university of massachusetts at dartmouth confirming they are still at large. a student at that very college. >> reporter: want to give you some context. one fact that we are getting, and that is, after the first gun
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battle took place, dzhokhar tsarnaev withdrew money from apparently an atm. the first gun battle took place subsequent to the robbery at the 711 at the mit campus. now that we are hearing through these cysts department contacts. 11:18 p.m. here in the town of watertown, the bank of america, he made contact and withdrew some money which is just remarkable because it was altering the of the battle. now, beyond that i wanted to want to give you some context as far as how we get the initial reports that this was a robbery not connected to the boston marathon bombing. and then it made the transition to a hot pursuit of these two suspects. and that is because the evidence that came in. the first bit of evidence coming from the carjacking or robbery at the 7-11. police spokesman tells me the evidence was obvious meaning that is the picture that we saw
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coming from the 7-eleven of dzhokhar tsarnaev, no longer wearing a white ball cap, this town wearing a gray heady. beyond that was a police officer start of the pursued them made visual contact and said, indeed, those are the individuals we are after, the two suspects, number one, number two. beyond that, the victim of that carjacking ran into the store, ultimately in the speaking of police officers. he relates something that was said to him. that give them further belief that, indeed, they were after these two suspects. finally, when the individual previously known as suspect number one, tamerlan tsarnaev, the black cat, was killed. police officers made a visual confirmation of them and believe, indeed, they were after the boston marathon bombers. one of them was dead, one of the knell of large and considered very dangerous. also very dangerous is this scene because there is still alive ied. state police tell us the reason they are still out on the street
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is because the priority is the man had. they're not getting rid of the explosives. they're taking care of the immediate threat first. dagen: thank you for such incredible reporting. all night, all morning long. mike tobin in water to, massachusetts. >> thank you. connell: back to the markets, but week returned immediately when the briefing begins from local officials including the boston police commissioner. the chief investment strategist at black rock joins us as does our own charles payne. jitters associated with something like this do not appear to be there. what you make of it? >> obviously the events have had an impact on the market, but it is important to note that the sell-off really began back last week. what has been happening is we have been talking about it, a good run of economic data in the first quarter. probably a little bit better than the underlying fundamentals justify the arrest and to see today that the cumulative effect of the tax hikes, the spending cuts, to have a little bit of a
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drag on the economy registering in financial markets. >> i agree. what i think is interesting. the result that the market exhibited. days on end. emotionally. an underlying message. today despite some real big names getting hammered, so far i would have to say it's probably remarkable. connell: you remain very optimistic. >> i do remain very optimistic. i am more concerned about europe and i am america. slowing down. i called through earnings reports, and the main problem continues to be europe. ibm. make no mistake, we are on thin ice. we certainly cannot make -- have any more hiccups in this economy
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connell: let's talk a little bit. thanks for checking in. we lost the satellite shot, so we continue the live press briefing, what you're seeing an the other side of your screen is set to get under way at any moment. once it starts it will include the police commissioner. we will bring it to you live to see if they have any new developments from watertown. you mentioned being impressed by the market's. other times we would be focused much more. talking about an all-day. once we get through this will will the main focus be next we? >> i think willie close watching these are new reports, a lot of stocks that have made big moves, a cliche. one likely they will get every single one of the somewhere down the road.
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giving some of that back. connell: some individual opportunity. >> this is when you sort of let the earnings season go by, take a lot of notes and wait for the dust settle. everything i am seeing is normal reactions, but i will say, i am concerned in this sense that we just cannot get any weaker than we already are. connell: we will come back. dagen: stay with us. we are awaiting a live press briefing from boston police. massachusetts state police and also joining us coming up will be former boston mayor ray flynn. [ indistinct shouting ]
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connell: breaking news and moderate-income massachusetts or local authorities are updating us on the manhunt for the alleged boston marathon bomber. >> the spokesperson for the
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massachusetts state police and will leave the rest to the policeman. the staging area. it estimated. okay. thank you. connell: we will come out of this aad go back to it because i believe we may have gone a little bit too soon, which is fine. the police commissioner should be there. also scheduled to be there. once they do as i speaking we will go to them. let's bring the former mayor of boston from 1983 to 1993 joining us. what a day for your city. >> some good times and some bad times. have seen some really chaotic times. of course, immediately comes to mind, but nothing like it is now. this city is literally shut down people staying in their homes, a taxi service not working. public transportation, i've
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never seen the city paralyzed the way that it yesterday. and it is a very sad tragedy that a couple of terrorists could put this whole city in this whole region here, the birthplace of american freedom on hold, if temporarily, not even to mention, the innocent lives that were taken and disrupted and harmed at the boston marathon, on pages stay no less. the day of all days, the most me full day in our history of -- it is just -- it is indescribable really. what is going on. except to say that it is the most chaotic, the most unpatriotic time that i ever gone through. people aren't here, and these are americans. dagen: but mr. maher, speak to help all of these different agencies and authorities are working together to hunt down the suspect?
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and speak to the fact that the boston people of come together and listen to the governor and authorities have stayed in their homes. safety, but also to enable the police to capture this guy. >> i think on monday at the boston marathon, i was at the marathon. i think the people were into a state of shock. because of the fact that nothing like that ever happened before. and they are, in fact, listening to authorities. yes, they're deeply remorseful and concerned about what has happened to innocent people here in boston and the boston area. i think there will be looking for some really serious answers. and in terms of what we are going to do differently to ensure the safety of bust audience, americans in an environment that we have grown accustomed to where liberties and freedoms are paramount, but at the same time, i think the issue now immediately shifts to
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a more effective public safety measures to make sure that the police are effectively able to do their job. and the people are able to walk the streets in safety. connell: you are in the area today? >> as the miami. i have been here this whole time. i was at the boston marathon. my grandchildren were right there at the finish line. they saw the horror of this whole thing. and, yes, the people are coming together. united in their commitment in terms of support for the innocent victims. they are also concerned about justice. that is the second step, and that is what we're going through now. finding out who is impossible for this or what organization, if any, is responsible for this. and thirdly, we just want to make sure that this never happens again. connell: we will wait for this briefing to see if we get any answers to the question that the former mayor brings up. thank you for calling in. >> are welcome. connell: all right.
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boy. dagen: i know. an incredible day at just for the people of the country, but boston. again, suspect number two, dzhokhar tsarnaev, still at large in the manhunt continues. we will bring you that live press briefing when it begins from boston and massachusetts state police. connell: coming right back. markets now on fox business covering breaking news. we will get back to the markets and take a look at stocks. tillich's some companies based in the boston area as we go out to break. back with a live briefing one starts.
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dagen: president obama briefed this morning. we are looking at this live breast priest -- press briefing- press briefing. meantime in washington president obama was briefed this morning on the boston investigation. the man had. we go to rich jensen at the white house with the latest.
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>> reporter: a very fluid situation. the national security staff convening about an hour-long briefing this morning that ended -t about -- probably an hour ago. we were supposed to get a briefing in new from the press secretary, just a regular is scheduled briefing, the daily briefing. that has been pushed off, postponed to a time to be determined. we are learning now also comes from capitol hill. his reporting, is senior source on capitol hill was brief but a national data terrorism center saying that police believed dzhokhar tsarnaev is still in the boston area and it is important they get all the time and do so live because they want to find out if this is something broader. there is another person involved those sources saying it is hard to believe that these two men operated from the bombing on without any help or training from anybody else. the fbi is looking into any travel that they may have taken overseas or if they were, perhaps our radicalized in the united states.
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we're waiting for a new briefing in boston expected anytime. a few hours ago the governor of massachusetts giving a briefing in basically putting everyone in the boston area on house arrest. take a lesson. >> asking people to shelter and placed them in other words, stay indoors. your doors locked and don't open the door for anyone other than to properly identified law enforcement officer. that applies here in watertown where we are right now. cambridge, waltham, newton, belmont, at this point all of boston. connell: the attention of washington d.c. it continues to be on boston as it has been all week. back to you. connell: let's go back to boston itself. thank you. we will bring in the former senator. he is there. quite dramatic when governor patrick made that request that we just earlier.
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the original request. everybody in this city. and from what we have been told, people have been quite cooperative. what things look like? >> that is true. about 615 this morning, criminal traffic. certainly a lot of police force is going back and forth. allow the police presence. i am in boston, obviously, doing this. an officer in boston. it is a ghost town. it is amazing to see. surprisingly, back in guns is open. everything else seems to be locked down. people are certainly paying attention. obviously this is unprecedented. the fact that everyone is working together. a seamless transition the trend of federal, state, and municipal authorities is really to might think, one of the reasons that after september 11th we have learned and grown. the tax dollars i certainly being put to good use. connell: what are you thinking
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about most? trying to keep a balance and is difficult with situations like this. the scope of what has been unfolding live before our eyes, to run television. people who are spectators. understanding, they just get out of surgery. another officer who was actually killed. and know he has relatives serving in afghanistan. the direct effect from these cowards actions are affecting people's lives forever, for generations. that is the first thing. the second, anyone else? is this just to people who somehow got lost? with a here for years? now they're coming forward. what is the situation? in a lot of questions. i know that there will be a lot
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of back-and-forth and people are going to have those questions. they're going to demand answers, and hopefully we will get those. connell: one of the ways to do that, your background, local politics of their in the massachusetts area. correct me if i'm wrong, but also as a prosecutor you would no going back in terms of how you go about a case like this or look at it. what to look for. if we get this guy or they get this gile live it's going to be a lot easier to get some of those answers. >> absolutely. that was not a prosecutor. i have been an attorney for 20 some odd years. i don't even remember. more importantly obviously we would like to get this guy live and find out what happened, where they went wrong or where they kind of, you know, go down the path that has obviously led to these tragedies. bottom line is they seem to obviously be from chechnya. they are here now. whether they have connections, that is very important to find
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out. are there other people connected, the tentacles to these two that are still waiting to be unleased? i don't have those answers. but what am i thinking? well, that is what i am thinking. the men and women, the law enforcement personnel, making sure they're safe and secure because they're putting there lives on the line as we speak, but i am also thinking about and think will to everyone around the country who stepped up and has boston and massachusetts and a thousand pairs. praying and hoping. just making sure that we are all together as americans first. in this together, united and they're going to come out of the stronger than we were before. connell: a lot of that going on today. thanks. >> thank you very much. dagen: coming up, of course, we will bring you that live press briefing. you're looking at a picture there in watertown, massachusetts. we will hear from boston police in massachusetts state police. the senator, former senator scott brown talking about the coordination between all of
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these federal state and municipal authorities and hunting down the suspects still at large. we will bring you that. also, steve forbes will join us to put this into perspective of what this country has faced a four and how we are coping with it today. stay with us. ♪ change makes people nervous. but i see a world bursting with opportunity, with ideas, with ambition. but i see a world bursting i'm thinking about china, brazil, india. the world's a big place. i want to be a part of it. ishares international etfs. emerging markets and single countries. find out why nine out of ten largprofessional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus,
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♪ dagen: breaking news. the suspect, dzhokhar tsarnaev, his brother killed in early morning hours in boston. he is still at large and we will bring you that live press briefing from boston police in massachusetts state police when it begins. again, we have been waiting for the last hour or so for that to begin. in the meantime, let's bring in steve forbes, forbes media chairman for perspective. not just from a business point of view, but the country's point of view. can you compare this to anything we have even seen? the state in lock down in boston, something we did not even really see here in new york city after september 11th.
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>> sadly we have had violence and terrorism in the past and the 19th century. the movement in this country and around the world. assassinations of presidents of the united states, terrorist acts, labor violence, especially in the early part of the last century. nearly 100 different dynamiting and bombings. a lot of people killed in 1910. 1920 we had a bomb go off and wall street that killed 38 people. hundreds of others injured. perpetrators never found. so that had these before, but the thing to keep in mind is horrific though these have been and the fact that the country altogether, and i think we're seeing that today, the senator earlier referred to the fact that the cooperation between the various authorities, which we did not have in the bombings of 1920 and therefore things can happen quickly when they work together. connell: and as similar as things are, not only to the examples from long ago the you cite, but 9/11 and comparisons that these poison attacks, all
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the other similarities, we have learned a lot in the way that we react just collectively to this type of thing that keeps prospective and keep moving on. the questions, for example, the stock market does not seem to be the same as they were then. a guest on earlier talking about the jitters after 9/11, the economic and financial, but it does not seem like it is like that anymore. i'm not sure why. >> the human spirit is remarkable. we learn to move on this but what is happening. even in 9/11 when the president gave a stirring speech clover week after the bombings, ten days after, the market's rally and ended up where they were before once they knew this country had the leaders to move forward. so we do move on and look at the middle east, israel has been under attack for decades. that is now one of the high-tech centers of the world today. we learn to get things done and get these things resolved.
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dagen: as horrific as the attacks were 12 years ago on 9/11, we are a nation that has learned to, i suppose, deal with these kinds of situations and put that in perspective in terms of the governor of the state coming and saying, the people of boston and surrounding areas need to stay in their homes. do not open the door unless it is a police officer. how much we have learned to follow directions and to know that it is in the best interest of not only our own safety, but that capturing of this individual. >> a people feel there's a need for something we will put up with it. will we put up with at the airports, gripe about it, but they had issues with particularities to put they do, but this is a part of modern life, sadly. if you are told, especially after a terrorist attack, don't go out, people know, don't try to the enjoy looking. they stay in because they know there is danger, and more importantly they get in the way of law enforcement try to do their jobs.
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so we have certain sense of maturity. there will be constant tensions. we have seen it. what you do. is it overstepping civil liberties and the like. we have always had that in the history of this country. connell: good to see you. thanks a lot. dagen: and incredible perspective. thank you. connell: mentioning markets. let's go back briefly and get an update as we wait for the briefing to begin. we have been waiting and we will see with the local authorities say when they say it. first the floor of the new york stock exchange. >> reporter: several pieces of good news. the nasdaq up one and 1/3 percent. the s&p 500 up. we do have those in the green. the dow did to get into positive territory. just a couple of minutes ago. it has since fallen back, but if you look at the breath of the market, about 3-to-1. we do have overall positive day today. in terms of the all-time high. procter and gamble.
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and of course, big losses. back to you. connell: all right. we will check back in periodically. keeping us up today. dagen: from the corner of wall and broad to boston and watertown, we will bring you that live press briefing from boston police and the massachusetts state police on the status of the manhunt for the still alive suspect in the marathon bombing, dzhokhar tsarnaev, the brother killed earlier this morning. again, we will bring you that as soon as we get it. stay with us your fox business. thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz:
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>> breaking news out of watertown, massachusetts. the microphones have been set up for some time. on a day like this, sometimes things get delayed. we have not heard from them yet. once we do, we will go out there. there is still one man at large. dagen: it has been a volatile week for gold and the like. sandra smith has the latest in today's trade. sandra: gold prices are actually hider in today's trading session. flirting with $1400.
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gold prices have lost 7%. they have fallen over $100 per last friday they closed over $1500 an ounce. it will average $1450 average next year. copper is one of the worst performers on the cme right now. it has had a heck of a week. we have inventory reports that inventories are swelling to the biggest levels and 2003. back to you.
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dagen: thank you for that. sandra smith in chicago. connell: most businesses are shut down in boston. dagen: we are waiting for that press briefing. we will bring you that as soon as it begins. ♪ all stations come over to mission a for a final go. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. rify and lock.
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join us at
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dennis: hello, everyone. i am heryl casone. dennis: and i am dennis kneale. boston suburbs on lockdown. subway and train service suspended. authorities are searching for the second of two suspects in the marathon bombing. 26-year-old, tamerlan tsarnaev, he is dead. killed overnight in a shootout with the authorities.
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his 19-year-old brother, dzhokhar is on the run. cheryl: and mit police officer was killed in the line of duty last night. a violent night leading to the virtual closing of boston. rich edson is standing by at the white house. let's start with rich at the white house. rich. rich: officials have been gathering at the white house. the president did hold an hour-long briefing this morning with the vice president here at the west wing of the white house. what we are learning now from capitol hill, police believe
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that at-large suspect is still in the boston area. it is incredibly important to take him alive to find out if there is anyone else involved in these bombings. the fbi is also looking to see if there was any type of travel or out of country travel for these two guys or if they were radicalized inside the united states. the suspects uncle lives in montgomery village which is right outside of washington, d.c. invalid. he was asking his nephew to turn himself in. >> he put a shame on our family. he put a shame on our entire at
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ethnicity. rich: washington continues to keep an eye on boston. cheryl: thank you, rich. now to peter barnes also standing by in washington. translation continues to be shut down. peter: that is right. they closed the subway system in the boston area. it remains closed. public bus service remains suspended. greyhound service in and out of boston has been suspended as well. amtrak has been suspended. amtrak says it will restore that service when local authorities inform it that it can. the federal aviation issued
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temporary flight restrictions over parts of boston. logan airport remained open, but under heightened security and most flights are departing and arriving on schedule. cheryl: peter barnes, they give very much. harry, you are a detective the nypd terror unit. we are looking at a young suspect. nineteen years old. he has now escaped and eluded police caught not once, but twice. we have gunfire in the boston area. can he possibly be acting alone? >> right now, i think so. i think he is just running around trying to get away.
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we need to capture him before it gets dark. if we do not, there is a good chance he may get away. it will be very hard for the police to try to track them when it is dark. cheryl: he is hiding in buildings. we do not know where he is. police have been surrounding several buildings. tell me about the backgrounds of these two suspects. they have been in the united states for ten years. did they have military training in chechnya? did you look at eastern european criminal activity? was that even something that was on the radar in the last ten years? >> these guys seem like they have been here in the united states for at least eight or nine years. they should have become pretty americanized by then. i do not know where things went
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wrong with these guys. i am sure we will find out sooner or later. the one brother, he had already evaded police twice. he is pretty slippery. maybe he does have -- cheryl: they were handling, these were military grade explosives. these two were prepared. the older brother that is now dead had a vest on. these guys were ready for her, if you will. >> oh, yeah. without a dow back. they had other explosives.
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cheryl: talk to me about what is going on the ground right now in boston. we have been watching police cars, that teams, aerial shots out of that area. what is the tactical response at this point on the ground? >> they have already confronted him in two different locations. this guy, it sounds like to me you will not want to be taken alive. the fbi and law enforcement want to take him alive. we want to know why he did this. i think what they are doing is they will lock that countdown. you will not be able to step a foot out of that town. he is here somewhere. they are going to have to get him before it is dark. they are getting tips all day.
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cheryl: the media. is it a help or a hindrance in this situation? >> they can definitely be a hindrance. at the first location, they moved the media back. we do not want him seeing what the police are doing right now. cheryl: thank you very much for joining us and for standing by. thank you. dennis: we want to get you caught up on the markets. the dow is in the red. lauren simonetti is on the floor of the new york stock exchange. >> the worst week of the year for the major averages. the worst week since last june. the nasdaq down nearly 4% having its worst week since last may. the s&p of three quarters of 1% this friday. the dow is down about 16 points
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or a tenth of a percent. ibm, general electric, as well as mcdonald's, all three of these components are in the red. we did see the dow come back into positive territory. it struggled to back about an hour ago. that was the last time we saw it in the positive column. some dow stocks are in positive territory today. procter and gamble and disney. back to you. dennis: thank you very much. despite this week volatility, stocks are still the best game in town. rob, you are bold. you are also nervous. >> 18 month that the hundreds 50 points. i am nervous.
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this could be another cell in may and go away here. i am not prepared to throw away the towel just yet. i have retained the overweight rating that i have on stocks. even though, given that backdrop, it probably makes sense for clot to get more defensive. recently upgraded the consumer sentiment to overweight. gold is a big chunk of that. the market could have already priced in a summer slowdown. dennis: what about the
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possibility of an anti-terror rally. traders are human beings. to see one of these two suspects already having been shot, and one being close to captured, isn't it a feel-good moment? >> i do think, in my mind, because there were not any economic reports today, it seems like the turnaround may have come from one of those types of psychological rallies based on some good news in the manhunt. dennis: do you think that the boss bombings were playing into how traders were feeling this week? >> i really do not think so. if they had targeted an exchange
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or the functioning of a market or if they had targeted the supply of some commodity, an example i have used in the past, if terrorists took over the strait of formulas and cut off oil the mideast, then yes. i do not want to downplay the tragedy in boston. it is a tragic situation. there was no economic strike as part of that. dennis: thank you for that. cheryl: police may not be able to collect on terrorism insurance policy. dennis: the president of the institute joins us ahead on wide. the latest police briefing. when it happens, we will be there. ♪ she knows you like no one else.
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cheryl: we, of course, are waiting on a briefing from the massachusetts state police. when that happens, we will bring that to you live. we are also monitoring what is happening here in new york with these markets. we are now down only about ten points. the big story is ibm. microsoft on the other end of it. we are right in the middle of earnings season. lauren simonetti is standing by on the floor of the new york stock exchange. we also have charles payne here in studio to give us his thoughts on the wild week we have had with stocks. >> ibm is the biggest point drag
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it is on the lowest level since the flash crash in may of 2010. as much as nearly a percent with ibm. if you take that out, we would have a higher dow today. the market for the nasdaq and that s&p are higher. this is that ping-pong kind of week, up and down, up and down. dennis: the s&p up. the dow down only because of big ibm. i am surprised they are not down more than that. charles: even though we had some momentum to your point, after the uncle it spoke and it felt like it was not an international plot with two "losers" the dow went into positive territory for a little while.
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ge feed on the top or bottom line. i am not sure why it got hammered. mcdonald's actually look market share. there are a couple of things we see here. there has been a certain amount of resolve. sometimes the market reflects the motions of americans as well cheryl: and donald with this sales warning, a global sales warning. this stock could be doing a lot worse than what it is right now. >> it is amazing that mcdonald's has done so well with 40% of its business in europe this whole tired you also have the other players in the fast food industry, panera, burger king, wendy's, all updating their restaurants and their menus. that is more competition for
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mcdonald's. the market is gone so high. you have to have a pullback. this week, we have had that pullback. dennis: the s&p up right now. charles: we cut through it late yesterday like a hot knife through butter. ironically enough, you want the market to be tested. it has to be tested. when it is tested, you know, we moved out of earnings season. people actually could have more convictions even though it is kind of worry some and nerve-racking. cheryl: lauren simonetti, charles payne, thank you to both of you. we have a live picture coming out of boston.
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we continue to wait on a press conference from the massachusetts state police. the manhunt is underway. they are busy and boston. ♪
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♪ >> at 23 minutes past the hour, i have your fox news in it. a senate meeting earlier has just ended. i was gop senator said the boston attacks raise questions on how to strengthen security checks all people trying to enter the u.s. two days after the senate rejected an extension, president obama is taking executive action for guns to be sold. the obama administration wants to remove barriers and help privacy laws that stop some states from sharing mental health data with the fbi's current background situation.
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twelve people are confirmed dead and west, texas. 200 people are injured. those are your headlines. cheryl: we have had a newsweek would have not seen in years. we are waiting for a news conference from the massachusetts state police. we are going to bring in harry now. when you are here just a few moments ago, you said the media can actually hinder an investigation like this. it can hinder a manhunt of this
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type. >> exactly. you could be giving away some information. if there are cameras out there and he is near a television set, he can actually see it. he can plan his escape that way. trying not to give too much information away about what the police are doing right now to apprehend him. dennis: when the fbi posted those two photos yesterday at 5:00 o'clock, i did not know if it was an american caught if it was optimistic or pessimistic. seven hours later there is a fight and one of them is killed by police.
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was it the right thing or wrong thing to do? >> you cannot second-guess what they did. they had the video at the time. they are trying to track this guy down themselves first. they do that because in that unity is involved with someone else, they do not want to say we have this guy identified anddif there are co-conspirators involved with him, they will get out of dodge. they will leave town. once they got to a certain point where they could not do that, they go after him. cheryl: these two brothers have been in the country for ten years. is this something to be
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concerned about? >> right. this is a problem. we have always been a rate of homegrown terrorists. we are going to find out sooner or later exactly how this came to be. dennis: this second suspect by the end of the day, dead or alive? >> i am hoping alive. cheryl: they want to question him and find out what he knows. harry, thank you so much for standing by. we are, of course, waiting for that news conference by the massachusetts state police. dennis: most boston businesses are closed down.
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we will talk about insurance for terrorism. we have people affected by this boston last. we may find out that terrorism protection may not protect them. we have that next. ♪
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cheryl: 30 minutes past the hour. we continue to follow the breaking news out of boston. we are expected to hear any moment from massachusetts state police. this is a very fluid situation that is happening in boston. the manhunt for 19-year-old -- it looks like we will be hearing
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from governor patrick or we will be hearing from the massachusetts state police. we will stay on this live picture. we have been waiting for this news conference for almost two hours now. police have been actively urging and pursuing 19-year-old dzhokhar tsarnaev. he is a cambridge resident. >> the point we want to make, we will not be able to take questions, i am sorry. i know you have many. we all want to think the members of the public who have respected our request to stay indoors. we know what an inconvenience it is in watertown and cambridge in particular, but really throughout the area that we have asked for this. it has been enormously important
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and helpful to the law enforcement who are trying to do their job. we thank alllof you for trying to get that message out. the request continues for the time being. that is unchanged. -@there are continued developmes in the investigation. we will be able to talk about that later. it is important that folks remain indoors and not open the door. i think that is all i want to offer. >> thank you all for being with us. thank you for your patience. i am very proud what the police
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have done the past couple days. for the next few hours, we will continue together information. we are men sure that the public is informed as best we can. the patient, we are one city. we are here to work hard. thank you very much. cheryl: we worth listening.
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that was a very brief statement. we heard from two people that we actually did not expect to hear from. this is state police. >> things change. sometimes they change quickly and we have to change direction. we are progressing through this neighborhood. we are well over 60 or 70% of what we want to cover up there. we do not have any development to tell you in terms of that search up there. there has been no apprehension at this point. this afternoon, there will be a
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controlled explosion, if you will, by some of the explosive ordinance folks over in cambridge. it is done out of and abundance of caution. that will be happening this afternoon as well. our plan at this point is we will continue following up with that neighborhood. we have several other leads that have developed in the last few minutes. i will be back here, i hope within an hour or slightly above that to give you the next briefing. i want to turn it over to the chief from watertown. >> thank you, colonel.
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i want to speak to the watertown community. you have done great. you have done everything we have asked. there is a major crime scene that will take some time. they will not leave until the account is safe. we may go today, tomorrow and even over the weekend the before it is under control. thank you. cheryl: we have just learned a couple of very interesting things. he says they have campus about 60-70% of that neighborhood.
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in the last few minutes he said he was getting some new leads. we will hopefully get an update within the next hour. dennis: let's ask kerry about this. stay in your homes. the danger is still very much present. >> yes. he is still out and about somewhere. they will go through every note and cranny in every building in that neighborhood to find this guy. dennis: a house by house search. >> once they are down with one area, they will go to the next. cheryl: what do you make of this controlled explosion? >> i am beginning to think that maybe they have a safe house
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there and that maybe, of course, i am just speculating, they definitely look they are going to commit another attack. i do not know how many attacks. it will be very interesting to see how many explosive devices are there. dennis: what do you think are the chances that this 19-year-old kid turns himself in? >> i am sure he probably does not even know that his uncle was on air. this guy does not want to be taken alive. cheryl: thank you very much. the. dennis: we are joined from washington by president of the insurance information institute.
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>> there is a process for determining whether or not terrorism coverage will come into play. this was part of the terrorism risk program that was adopted in the wake of 9/11. what it does require is that there be a formal certification process whereby the secretary of treasury, the u.s. attorney general and the secretary of state must concur that the criteria for a terrorist attack has been met and that at least $5 million in damages associated with insured damages has in fact occurred. steve president obama came out and called it a terrorist attack. we have allegations or critics during the election wondering if the obama immigration was reluctant to use terrorist with
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the benghazi attack. when you set two bombs at a marathon finish line where you hope to injure hundreds, it seems like terrorism to be. are we cutting this onion to finally here? >> there was not a formal definition at that point. one had to be created. in order for a federal program to be triggered and you need some sort of formal definition, that is part of this process. even at this point, there is no federal involvement. dennis: even if my storefront was not damaged by this bomb, i did have losses, those lost business account? >> a business interruption coverage, yes.
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dennis: thank you. good day, sir. cheryl: we continue to get breaking information. all service between new york and boston has been shut down indefinitely. this, as well as buses, train stations in the boston area. dennis: maybe you guys were alone after all. cheryl: stay with us. ♪
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the sector accounted for 40% during the quarter. that is the latest from the fox business network. giving you the power to prosper. ♪
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cheryl: we will continue to monitor the events in boston, but this has also been a big week for numbers. most of these names did better. earnings of bank of america did disappoint. my next guest says the big problems facing our banks is chinese banks. thank you for being here and for your patience. we have had a lot of breaking news today. i want to get your thoughts on bank of america.
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>> the mortgage side certainly did not do well on the quarter. that is true for everything on quarter. if you take a close look at bank of america, you will see every major business lines had extraordinarily good results. there was a big increase and landing on the commercial industrial side. it is one of the few banks that showed an increase in lending on the quarter. most banks go down. the company had record results in the wealth management division. it had extraordinarily strong results in its trading operations. it costs went down. of course got it loans down. when i read some of the verbiage that has been read about the quarter, i do not know if i am looking at the same company.
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cheryl: revenues were down. citibank has backed off, frankly. the banking sector aside, you are also very concerned about what you say is regulation on banks opening up a window of opportunity for the chinese. explain your concerns. >> well, i think it is pretty clear that the company that has the global reserve currency has a greater position. clearly, china and russia have stated publicly, on a number of locations, they want that position.
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it is now being done. the big banks in china are huge relative to the ones in the united states. they made 116 billion. so, you know, they are growing rapidly. the country is supporting them. they want this position in the world. cheryl: we will have to come back on the show in disgust more of this. it is fascinating to our viewers, the strength of the
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chinese currency. thank you very much for your patience today with all the breaking news. >> thank you, cheryl. dennis: let's talk commodities. we are live in the pits of this cme with sandra smith next. ♪ orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teachings that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything om the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ malennouncer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards
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and apply online.
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dennis: it has been a wild week for commodities led by a startling fall for grace for gold. sandra smith has the latest. sandra: everyone is watching to see how gold will finish up the week. a remarkable ball from the over $1500 pounds that it started the week off at. right now at 1396.
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of about four dollars on the session veered a little bit of bullish news. barclays expected gold to average 1450 next year. very bullish news. also reports that there is a stronger jewelry demand over in india. gold has lost 70%. over a $100 loss for the week. making a bit of a rebound at the end of the week. for the week, they fell to eight month low. for the month, those wholesale gasoline prices are down over 11%. you are still paying a heck of a lot worse than you were a month ago. dennis: thank you very much,
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sandra smith. cheryl: we'll continue to keep you updated on the two big stories of the day. we continue to follow the manhunt for dzhokhar tsarnaev, a resident of cambridge. he and his brother have been named suspects in the boston bombings. he is still at large right now. lou dobbs will be with melissa and lori next. you are watching markets now. stay with us. ♪ [ male announcer ] you a a business pro.
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12:59 pm
lockdown as the manhunt continues for marathon bomber suspect dzhokar tsarnaev. lori: mayor tom menino and deval patrick warning residents stay


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